Investment Wrapper Comparison

The Investment Wrapper Comparison calculator provides an indication of comparing Collectives vs Onshore Investment Bonds vs Offshore Investment Bonds, depending on the various inputs that are selected.

When assessing the suitability of an investment for a client, certain factors need to be taken into account such as the client’s objectives, costs, tax implications etc.

This calculator will be able to assist by providing an indication of comparing;

      a. Collectives, vs

      b. Onshore Investment Bonds, vs

      c. Offshore Investment Bonds

for an individual investor.

As mentioned, the suitability of the investment will depend on a number of factors, and this will include certain assumptions which can be input into the calculator, such as;

  • Tax status of an investor during investment term & of the individual surrendering the investment at encashment
  • Does the client has any Dividend Allowance available,
  • How much CGT Annual Exempt Amount is available
  • Whether the CGT Annual Exemption Amount is used each year (and cost of ‘rebalancing’ the fund)
  • The growth (capital & income) rates for different asset classes
  • Costs/charges of each investment (which are input on a separate page)