
Investment Wrapper Comparison

The Investment Wrapper Comparison calculator provides an indication of comparing Collectives vs Onshore Investment Bonds vs Offshore Investment Bonds, depending on the various inputs that are selected. When assessing the suitability of an investment for a client, certain factors need to be taken into account such as the client’s objectives, costs, tax implications etc. This calculator will...

Investment Bond

The investment bond calculator will give an indication of the tax liability due to the client surrendering the investment depending upon their current total income. This will be for either an onshore UK investment Bond or an Offshore Investment Bond. Inputs Details of the investment bond owners need to be input, together with information about any additional...

Chargeable Gain Income Tax

The Chargeable Income Tax calculator will give an indication of the income tax liability on all the chargeable gains for every Partial Surrender and Full Surrender withdrawal that are to be assessed in that tax year.  The amount of tax payable will also depend on the client’s current total income, whether the investment bond is onshore...

Part Disposals

This calculator shows the taxation situation of using part disposals on a regular basis to provide a tax efficient ‘income’. The net fund growth can be input as ‘capital growth’ &/or accumulated ‘income’. The chart shows the gain element of the part disposal compared to the CGT AE. If the gain exceeds the CGT AE...

Collectives Funding ISA

Each year, clients should always consider utilising their tax allowances and tax-efficient investments. If a client has money invested, such as in Collectives, and is not using their ISA allowance in full then they should consider moving money from that investment into an ISA. Particularly as the current maximum ISA allowance is £20,000 per annum. The...

Capital Gains

The Capital Gains calculator will look at an individual holding to establish whether a Gain or loss would arise on selling units for that holding. The calculator takes account of any cost incurred, equalisation payments, and the identification rules.

Capital Gains Tax Summary

The Capital Gains Tax Summary calculator provides an indication of an individuals CGT liability as a result of disposing of investments. Once the Capital Gains calculations have been completed for each individual holding (including residential property that does not receive 100% Private Residence Relief e.g. Buy To Let), you can then input; This will show the total...

Investment Weighted Returns

Investment Weighted Returns are used to measure the performance of the fund. Money Weighted Return (MWR) takes account of deposits and withdrawals during the period being measured. It is also sometimes referred to as the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of the fund. It can also be used as a method of comparing one portfolio’s performance against another. However,...

Offshore Bond Utilising Allowances

The Offshore Bond utilising Allowances calculator provides an indication of how a UK-based non-taxpayer might use their Allowances to potentially reduce the eventual chargeable gain. Offshore Investment Bonds can be very useful investments when arranging financial plans for UK-based Non-Tax Payers. Allowances This is because Non-taxpayers are able to utilise any of their unused Personal Allowance, Savings...

Offshore Bond – Part Surrenders

The Offshore Bond – Part Surrenders calculator provides an indication of how Partial Surrenders (the 5% tax deferred withdrawal facility) of an Offshore Investment Bond can be used to; Offshore Investment Bonds can be very useful investments when arranging financial plans for UK-based Non-Tax Payers. This is because Non-taxpayers are able to utilise any of their...

Offshore Bond – Full Surrenders

The Offshore Bond – Full Surrenders calculator provides an indication of how Offshore Investment Bonds can be used in retirement planning by Fully Surrendering segments to provide an ‘income’. Offshore Investment Bonds can be very useful investments when arranging financial plans for UK-based Non-Tax Payers. This is because Non-taxpayers are able to utilise any of...

Rebalance Funds

The objective of the Rebalance Funds calculator is to provide an indication of the amount that needs to be sold or bought to rebalance a client’s portfolio. Once you input details of existing funds and the investment (percentage) split of the new funds, the Rebalance Funds calculator will show; How much of each existing fund...